All Real Assets articles in May/June 2017 (Magazine)
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Retail US: Shrink space, not returns
There are still investment opportunities in retail, but large parts of the market are challenged, or will simply disappear. Christopher O’Dea reports
Retail UK: Lights out at the mall
Shopping centres specialists have been investing heavily in a changing world. But the outlook for the sector still looks gloomy, writes Hemant Kotak
Retail UK: A land of powerhouses?
Regional cities, often in the shadow of London, have been pushing hard to attract and expand investment since the Brexit vote. Mark Faithfull reports
South Korea: Lenders of second resort
Pension funds and insurers are pushing more and more into real estate debt. And their appetite will only get stronger, writes Florence Chong
Interest rates US: The race is on
The world’s major central banks have waved the green flag on a race that will hold the attention of real estate investors – one between financing costs and rental rates.
Student Housing: Market revision
Will Brexit affect student numbers and hurt the appeal of the sector in the UK? Not necessarily, say Joanna Turner and Rocco Versace
Student Housing: International studies
The sector is led by the US, UK and Australia. But student housing is fast becoming a global market, writes Florence Chong
Solvency II: Paying too high a price
As the latest review of Solvency II approaches, research yet again confirms that the capital charge for real estate should be lowered, writes Jeff Rupp
Sustainability: The green imperative
The real estate industry needs to become a more active participant in reducing carbon emissions. Richard Peiser and Thomas Wiegelmann explain
Retail: Food for thought
Staying focused on changing retail models is equally important as paying attention to consumer behaviour, writes Russell Handy
Interest Rates Europe: Time to raise the stakes?
If interest rates rise, the implications for Europe look complicated. So, asks Maha Khan Phillips, should investors go up or down the risk curve?
US pensions: The new DIY investors?
Mass PRIM made its first direct deal without a third-party manager last year. Is this the start of a new trend? Christopher O’Dea reports
Germany: Moving the dial
Pension funds BVK and ÄVWL are pushing their property allocations beyond 20%. Barbara Ottawa reports on the challenges they face
City Focus Miami: The Magic City’s next trick
The city has been booming with tourism, trade and finance. But rising sea levels could dampen one of the hottest markets in the US, writes Christopher O’Dea
City Focus Oslo: Warming to a cool market
With political uncertainty on the minds of investors, the cool-headed Norwegian capital is well positioned to attract international capital, writes Russell Handy
Portfolio: A broader horizon
Research supports looking beyond offices in gateway cities when creating a global strategy, say Hans Vrensen, Ken Baccam and Guillaume Oliveira
Interest Rates Infrastructure: Not just a bond proxy
How do interest rates affect global listed infrastructure? It is important to look beyond the short term, writes Giuseppe Corona
Student Housing: Graduating to the big league
As the boundary between student and professional living blurs, Germany’s growing sector is ripe for consolidation, says Russell Handy
City Focus Beijing: China’s nerve centre
China’s capital is very much a government town, but it is also a growing economic centre, home to state-owned enterprises. Florence Chong reports
AustralianSuper: Steering the super ship
Jack McGougan joined AustralianSuper just before the 2008 crisis. He talks to Florence Chong about pruning its property portfolio and taking it direct