Asia-Pacific Investors

Analysis and in-depth reporting of Asia-Pacific investment developments, plus the all latest news

Gas pump

Australian government commits A$250m to low-carbon liquid fuels


Future Made in Australia Fund backs the development of fuels such as SAF and renewable diesel

Real estate

Australian Retirement and Almanac to invest $1bn in US real estate


Pair will invest in core and core-plus real estate operating companies


Mapletree wins 50-year Hong Kong land grant for logistics site


Mapletree submitted the sole tender for the 443,128sqm site at Tsing Yi Town Lot No 202

Connect Central Sydney Logistics Estate

Gateway, Ontario Teachers’ buy Sydney industrial estate from Brookfield


Sovereign wealth fund-GULP buys Connect Central Sydney Logistics Estate for A$330m

Wind turbine

NIIF, BII and Eversource sell Ayana Renewable to ONGC NTPC for $2.3bn


Indian renewables firm Ayana has 4.1GW of operational and under-construction assets

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