The size of the global real estate investment market increased by 7.8% in 2019, according to index provider MSCI.

According to the 2019 MSCI Real Estate Market Size Report, the size of the professionally managed global real estate investment market increased from $8.9trn (€7.7bn) in 2018 to $9.6trn in 2019.

The market was $8.5trn in 2017.

The annual update – which estimates the size of the professionally managed real estate investment markets across 32 countries – stated currency movements marginally impacted the size of real estate investment market by approximately +0.1% in US dollars, in contrast to the negative impact in 2018 (-2.6%).

Another reason for the growth in market size during the period due to a growth in asset value and transaction activity of already existing portfolios, newly identified portfolios and new developments in the market, such as new construction and sale and leaseback transactions.

MSCI said China continued to be the fourth-largest market for the second consecutive year as it ranked behind the US, Japan and UK year having overtaken Germany in 2018.

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