Lynn Strongin Dodds

  • Magazine

    Hotels: Institutions check in

    September/October 2014 (Magazine)

    Traditionally the preserve of private equity investors, European hotels are increasingly a target for institutions. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • Magazine

    Car Parks: Barrier to entry

    September/October 2014 (Magazine)

    The car parking sector is starting to attract interest from investors, but a lack of liquidity could pose a barrier to entry. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • Old Town, Warsaw

    Warsaw: A victim of its own success

    September/October 2014 (Magazine)

    A strong Polish economy has attracted investors to the country’s real estate markets and Warsaw has enjoyed the lion’s share. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • Magazine

    Market demobilised

    Listed 2014 (Magazine)

    The crisis in Ukraine and ongoing geopolitical uncertainty will ensure Russia’s listed property sector remains marginal for the time being, Lynn Strongin Dodds writes.

  • Stock market numbers

    Preferred property

    March/April 2014 (Magazine)

    PREFERRED REITS They can offer equity-like returns with fixed income-like risk. Lynn Strongin Dodds explores the case for preferred shares of REITs

  • Magazine

    Poland and Russia draw in the capital

    November 2013 (Magazine)

    CEE Central & Eastern Europe and Russia offer a variety of risks and opportunities for real estate investors. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • News

    UK investors double alternative property allocations – IPD


    EUROPE – Allocations double to 11% in £109bn IPD UK Quarterly Property Index.

  • Magazine

    Positioned for take-off

    September 2013 (Magazine)

    New entrants continue to join the roster of managers marketing real estate debt fund strategies in Europe. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • Magazine

    Investors scour Dublin

    September 2013 (Magazine)

    The real estate market in Ireland is back on the radar for investors. Lynn Strongin Dodds looks at its prospects

  • Magazine

    Global pathways

    July 2013 (Magazine)

    The listed market is an obvious route for investors wanting exposure to global emerging markets. Lynn Strongin Dodds highlights some important considerations

  • On to a good thing

    On to a good thing

    July 2013 (Magazine)

    Listed property companies took to the public debt markets in number last year and the sector in Europe is unlikely to look back, writes Lynn Strongin Dodds

  • Magazine

    Secondary debate builds

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Is a secondary market investment strategy a no-brainer in the UK given the yield spread over prime? Lynn Strongin Dodds explores

  • Could debt funds go sector-specific?

    Could debt funds go sector-specific?

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Alternative sectors such as hotels have been attracting new lenders. Could we see the emergence of sector-specific debt funds? Lynn Strongin Dodds investigates

  • News

    Ivanhoé Cambridge joins $1.5bn US residential club deal


    NORTH AMERICA – Canadian pension fund invests with Goldman Sachs, Greystar in 27-asset portfolio.

  • News

    Friday people roundup


    GLOBAL – LaSalle, Corestate, CBRE Global Investors, MFI, Cushman & Wakefield, DTZ.

  • News

    Environment Agency PF hires Townsend for real-assets push


    UK – Existing property portfolio to sit alongside infrastructure, farmland, forestry.

  • News

    International capital pours into property securities funds


    GLOBAL – Consilia Capital study shows assets to have jumped 68% since the crisis.

  • Magazine

    Symptoms of withdrawal

    March 2013 (Magazine)

    Banks are withdrawing from European lending and only the core markets continue to attract interest from new and traditional players. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • Magazine

    The law of unintended consequences

    March 2013 (Magazine)

    The property industry faces a confluence of regulatory changes, including Basel III, ‘slotting’ and shadow banking legislation. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • The year of the vulture

    The year of the vulture

    March 2013 (Magazine)

    Will 2013 prove a better year for distressed debt investors and are high double-digit returns a realistic prospect? Lynn Strongin Dodds explores

More by Lynn Strongin Dodds