Immobilière Dassault has acquired two office buildings in France for a total of EUR 37.6 mln, excluding taxes. The French company has purchased a 1,716 m[sup]2[/sup] property, situated at 36, avenue Pierre Ier de Serbie in the eight arrondissement of Paris. The building is fully let to the fashion firm Leonard Fashion.

Immobilière Dassault has acquired two office buildings in France for a total of EUR 37.6 mln, excluding taxes. The French company has purchased a 1,716 m2 property, situated at 36, avenue Pierre Ier de Serbie in the eight arrondissement of Paris. The building is fully let to the fashion firm Leonard Fashion.

Dassault also bought a 1,650 m2 newly built asset located at 83, avenue Charles de Gaulle, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, near Paris. The occupancy rate is 85%. 'Based on 100 % occupation rate of the Neuilly building, the net rental yield for these two investments comes to 4.64%. This operation reinforces the company's objective of doubling the size of its assets by 2010,' the company said.