CDS Holding has completed the extension and redevelopment of the Fiordaliso shopping centre at Rozzano, Milan. The EUR 50 mln project, designed by Studio Sviluppo, involved the construction of 23,000-m[sup]2[/sup] additional retail area, as well as the redevelopment of the existing 43,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of space.

CDS Holding has completed the extension and redevelopment of the Fiordaliso shopping centre at Rozzano, Milan. The EUR 50 mln project, designed by Studio Sviluppo, involved the construction of 23,000-m2 additional retail area, as well as the redevelopment of the existing 43,000 m2 of space.

Fiordaliso is owned by a joint venture between Auchan and Finiper. The centre features an Iper hypermarket, a gallery of 124 retail units (including H&M and Zara), 13 units food court including a McDonald's and Ristò and a parking for 6,000 cars.