Australian fund manager Oreana is seeking to raise A$60m (€35m) to invest in early learning real estate.
Oreana said it is planning to raise the capital to acquire “the highest quality early education assets” from its property division over the next six months.
Oreana has been operating in the early education sector for more than 13 years, operating across what it calls “the lifecycle of early education facilities”. It gained entry and experience in the sector through its investment in Aspire Early Education, which operates a network of centres in Victoria.
Michael Swinnerton senior development manager and head of early education developments and Zac Dawson, development manager, will implement the new strategy.
Luke Moore, Oreana CEO, investments, said: “This is an important milestone for our business as we continue to expand our offering to the Australian market. We have experience in identifying, developing, construction and managing early education assets which allows us to mitigate risks and capitalise on opportunities with greater confidence.
“As an integrated business our projects are commenced with the end in mind. We have ‘skin the game’ and we are committed to delivering quality assets that reflect what the end client needs from early in the design phase.”
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