IPE - A Swiss institutional investor is looking to award three direct real estate mandates worth more than $1.8bn (€1.3bn), using IPE Quest.

The mandates are looking to invest in the Asia Pacific region, including Tokyo, Singapore and several Australian cities, as well as find properties in Canada and Latin America.

The first search, QN1137, will be awarded to an asset manager with strong research capabilities that can assist the investor with strategic portfolio planning, construction and development.

The Swiss company is looking to invest $1bn in the Asia Pacific market and would also consider direct investments in Tokyo, Seoul and Taipeh, as well as Singapore, Sydney and Mebourne.

It is open to either a regional asset manager mandate or mandates based around local asset managers in the individual cities or countries in question.

The advisory mandates should allow for online access to all information, with communication conducted in English.

While a benchmark has not been stipulated and is open to suggestions from the asset manager, the investor has requested a core or core-plus investment strategy.

The current investment strategy should have at least $500m in assets under management, in a company with no less than five years and preferably seven years of experience.

The asset manager must also be able to manage on sub-portfolio level, advise on areas such as return, as well as risk of any purchase and the liquidity of any deal. Additionally, it must be able to take over facility management.

The second mandate, QN1138, dictates the same terms, but asks that an active management approach be taken with the core or core-plus mandate.

Parties interested in the contract would be awarded a $300m mandate to invest either in Canada in general or in Toronto and Vancouver specifically.

As above, a regional asset manager would be considered or one that has more regional roots in the two cities in question.

The final mandate, QN1139, would invest more than $500m in Latin America, alternatively targeting Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

Any asset manager must have at least $250m in assets under management and a five-year track record, although seven years would be preferable.

Finally, an active core or core-plus investment approach must be taken.

Parties interested in any of the mandates should state performance to 30 September this year, with the deadline for the Latin American and Asia Pacific mandates set for 12 November.

All submissions for the Canadian mandate are requested by 8 November.

The IPE.com news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE Quest tender notices to protect the interests of clients conducting the search. To obtain information direct from IPE Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on +44 (0) 20 7261 4630 or email jayna.vishram@ipe-quest.com.