All Reports articles – Page 3
Special Reports
Social impact
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend for impact investing in real estate, most notably in the area of social and affordable housing. In the UK, a growing number of funds have attracted pension-fund capital. While some of the scale and track record required by institutions was not available in the past, the slate of new initiatives shows just how much appetite there is. In this report, we also take a look at how impact investing is picking up momentum in the US and Australia, with investors playing a role in tackling affordability issues.
Special Reports
Net zero: Dial it down
With the postponed UN climate-change conference COP26 due at the end of 2021 and the rejoining of the Paris agreement by the world’s largest economy, the signs are that significant progress could be made to start decarbonising the global economy. The built environment contributes close to 40% of emissions, and so institutional investors, which own much of it, have a big role to play. In this report, we look at the emergence of net-zero targets among investors, fund managers and governments.
Special Reports
GRESB: The class of 2020
Over the past 10 years, GRESB has become an integral part of investor due diligence and investment-manager reporting. In 2020, further participation in the GRESB Real Estate Benchmark caused coverage to grow by 22%, taking in 1,229 portfolios encompassing more than US$4.8trn (€4trn) in assets under management. Meanwhile, the GRESB Infrastructure Fund Assessment, launched five years ago, has been playing catch-up. In this report, we shine a light on some of the leading participants in both real estate and infrastructure assessments.
Special Reports
Travel & Tourism: End of an era
COVID-19 has brought the golden age of international travel crashing down. Will it ever recover? Florence Chong reports
Special Reports
Top 150 REIM: Any room in the warehouse?
The Top 150 manage more than €4trn in assets, and the fastest growing sector is logistics. Richard Lowe reports
Special Reports
Future of Offices: No going back
Enforced remote working has changed the office landscape almost overnight. But what is going to happen to the sector in the long term? Maha Khan Phillips explores
Special Reports
Top 100 Infrastructure Investors 2020
The IPE Real Assets top 100 ranking of some of the world’s largest infrastructure investors has captured more than $467bn (€388bn) in infrastructure assets held by pension funds, sovereign-wealth funds, insurers and other institutional capital owners
Special Reports
Retail: How will consumers respond as lockdowns ease?
Huge uncertainty faces retailers and F&B outlets as they reopen. How will consumers respond and will their behaviour change for ever? Mark Faithfull reports
Special Reports
Top 100 Infrastructure Managers 2020: A big balancing act
With transport assets hit harder than other sectors, diversification is as important as ever for infrastructure fund managers. Maha Khan Phillips and Christopher O’Dea report
Special Reports
Healthcare: A $15trn prognosis
Large institutional investors have been ramping up activity in a global healthcare sector that is set to grow. Florence Chong reports
Special Reports
Top 100 Real Estate Investors 2020
Annual survey confirms that a third of investors are putting new investments on hold, and more than half expect the unfolding crisis to affect their real estate strategies and/or allocations
Special Reports
Proptech: Future funders
Investors and fund managers are investing directly in proptech firms. Are they doing it for the long-term interests of the industry? Razak Musah Baba reports
Special Reports
Housing affordability: Social impact funds to solve the UK puzzle?
Can social impact funds address the UK’s housing crisis and serve pension funds at the same time? Richard Lowe reports
Special Reports
Future of offices: Smart buildings, intelligent by design
Buildings need to get smarter and EDGE Technologies is one of the companies making that happen. Christopher O’Dea talks to Boudewijn Ruitenburg and Erik Ubels
Special Reports
Top 100: One-stop shop
Investors’ drive to do more with fewer managers is accelerating consolidation as firms scramble to provide everything
Special Reports
Global REIT outlook: A new Goldilocks moment
REITs have performed hot and cold over the past 10 to 15 years. But, asks Christopher O’Dea, could they be just right for investors in 2019?
Special Reports
RE debt US: Never-ending story?
With the longest-ever market cycle expected to get even longer, US real estate debt strategies are in a good position, writes Christopher O’Dea
Special Reports
Top 100 Infrastructure Investors 2019
The IPE Real Assets top 100 ranking of some of the world’s largest infrastructure investors has captured more than $415bn (€376bn) in infrastructure assets held by pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurers and other institutional capital owners
Special Reports
Top 75 Infrastructure Managers 2019: Why big is often best
With the continued growth of infrastructure mega-funds, is it inevitable that investors will overpay for assets and returns disappoint? Not necessarily, writes Christopher O’Dea
Special Reports
Global housing: Going up, and up
A global housing affordability crisis is deepening, as costs rise and luxury units dominate development activity. Christopher O’Dea reports
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