Global Logistics Properties (GLP) has now delisted from the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) following a takeover and privatisation deal.

In what was Asia’s largest private equity buyout, a consortium paid SGD16bn (€9.9bn) last July to take the company private. GLP floated on the SGX just over seven years ago.

The consortium consists of Hopu Investment Management, Hillhouse Capital Group, Vanke Group and the Bank of China Group Investment and senior management executives.

GLP said today that the consortium consists of long-term investors who manage capital for some of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds, university endowment and pension plans from North America, Asia and Europe.

GLP’s chief investment officer, Alan Yang, said the group’s long-term strategy remains the same.

Yang said: “That is to be the best operator in our markets, create value through developments and use our fund management platform to support strategic expansion.”

Last month, GLP announced the creation of two new funds in Europe, off the back of its Gazeley acquisition to hold assets valued at €3.4bn collectively.

Ming Mei, GLP’s co-Founder and chief executive officer, said: “We are focused on sustainable value creation through our logistics ecosystem.”

GLP owns and manages assets of around US$43bn (€35bn), making it one of the largest logistics players in the world.