Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is investing in GreenCollar, an Australian company that works with land owners and specialises in carbon credits.

The Canadian pension fund joins the KKR Global Impact Fund, which first invested in GreenCollar last year, to help fund GreenCollar’s global expansion.

Founded by James Schultz and Lewis Tyndall more a decade ago, the ‘profit-for-purpose’ business works across carbon, water quality, biodiversity and plastics markets.

Christopher Metrakos, managing director of natural resources, at Ontario Teachers’, said: “GreenCollar’s collaborative and scientific approach is driving the development of innovative environmental solutions, particularly within Australia’s carbon market, and the business has great potential for international growth.”

Schultz, CEO of GreenCollar, said: “Our mission is to put the environment on the balance sheet through carbon farming, improved water quality, nature positive outcomes, and addressing the global challenge of plastics.

“The methodologies and projects we’ve developed under carbon and water, and the work we are doing in plastics and nature credits are setting the global standard for high-quality, high-integrity credits to drive positive environmental outcomes at scale.

“KKR has been a terrific strategic partner and we are excited to welcome another similarly aligned partner in Ontario Teachers’ as we look to achieve our vision of driving change towards an economy that puts the right value on positive climate change and environmental outcomes. The support of KKR and Ontario Teachers’ will be invaluable as we look to further our international impact.”

The company recently acquired carbon advisory and trading firm Sigma Global, carbon farming business Devine Agribusiness Carbon, and consumer-facing offsets platform Go Neutral. It also recently formed a partnership with soil carbon operator AgriProve.

George Aitken, director in KKR’s private equity team in Australia, said: “KKR is aligned with Ontario Teachers’ in its commitment to drive positive environmental impact.

“We are confident that this new strategic partnership taps into our collective strengths to position GreenCollar for its next stage of growth.

“Carbon credits and environmental offsets remain an important part of the transition towards sustainability, and GreenCollar’s continued growth will help scale this effort further.”

The Canadian pension fund is part of a KKR-led consortium that is seeking to acquire Australia’s Spark Infrastructure, an electricity distribution business.