Europe – Page 476

  • News

    Duopoly to define logistics fund market


    EUROPE - The European logistics market will diverge into ‘blockbuster’ and ‘niche’ funds, with specialist nous and tenant relationships determining asset managers’ survival in a shaken-out market, claims Peter Davies, fund director of the Goodman European Logistics Fund (GELF).

  • News

    Arizona State to take real estate over the border


    UNITED STATES - Arizona State Retirement System has decided to open its real estate investment program to the international stage on both the private and public side.

  • Magazine

    London prepares for fallout

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    London is seen as one of the markets most likely to feel the impact of the credit squeeze. But the outlook is not so bleak, says Alex Williamson

  • Embracing the challenge

    Embracing the challenge

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    As they search for new ways to diversify their portfolios Finnish investors see opportunities in the current crisis. Rachel Fixsen reports

  • Gradual thaw

    Gradual thaw

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Icelandic pension funds’ relationship to real estate has been tenuous partly due to lack of product. Things are now changing as Maha Khan Phillips reports

  • So near, so far

    So near, so far

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Traditionally home-biased Norwegian pension funds are proceeding cautiously. The debate over the prudent man principle is a case in point. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports

  • Magazine

    Home concerns from abroad

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Increasing competition at home is forcing Danish pension funds to make allocations to property overseas, writes Maha Khan Phillips

  • Comfort zone

    Comfort zone

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    While some funds are looking overseas, a culture of conservatism and caution keeps the focus on the domestic market, says Lynn Strongin Dodds

  • Dutch pioneers

    Dutch pioneers

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Large pension assets and a small home market mean that pension funds from the Netherlands are ahead of their European counterparts whose Asia strategies are still relatively new. Kristen Paech reports

  • Secure but not risk-free

    Secure but not risk-free

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Resilience to economic ups and downs is a key attraction of self storage, but this new niche category is vulnerable. Christine Senior reports

  • More creativity required

    More creativity required

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    Investment potential at the high-risk end continues to abound but the new credit environment is forcing some to change focus. Christine Senior reports

  • Chilly in Athens

    Chilly in Athens

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    Athens was a mighty setting for a shaken industry, but delegates were upbeat as they welcomed EPRA’s new CEO Philip Charls. Martin Hurst reports

  • Enable the investor

    Enable the investor

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    What do fund manager CFO/COOs need to provide for investors to ensure that their information needs are met? Martin Hurst reports

  • News

    Reits design described as “wrong”


    GLOBAL - European Reits are being formulated to appeal to the “wrong audience”, according to Europroperty Consulting.

  • News

    CEE pricing 'still a concern'


    EUROPE - Central and Eastern Europe is still too overpriced to be worth investing in, despite greater differentiation between prime and secondary real estate pricing, according to Scottish Widows Investment Partnership’s head of property Malcolm Naish.

  • News

    French study suggests derivatives 'over-hyped'


    EUROPE - European institutional investors have little appetite for property derivatives, despite claims from investment banks suggesting they offer an effective hedge against inflation, suggests academic research.

  • News

    Corio to divest office and industrial portfolios


    NETHERLANDS - The €6bn property investment and management company Corio has decided to go ahead with divesting the major part of its offices and industrial portfolios, and to further focus on its retail activities.

  • News

    Director arrested in Philips pensions fraud


    NETHERLANDS - Dutch fraud police have arrested the former and current directors of real estate at PREIM, the real estate arm of the €14.5bn Philips pension fund, as part of their investigation into fraud connected with the scheme’s property portfolio.

  • News

    BNL fund to outsource real estate


    ITALY – The €970m pension fund of the Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) is looking to outsource the management of its real estate portfolio.