Ukrainian real estate developer XXI Century Investments has placed its debut $175 mln Eurobond issue, with a 10% percent coupon paid semi-annually. Citing a company press release, Bloomberg reported that the Eurobond placement will finance the development and construction of the company's existing project portfolio, acquisition of property in Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities, and restructuring of its existing debt. The issue will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. ING is sole lead manager and bookrunner.

Ukrainian real estate developer XXI Century Investments has placed its debut $175 mln Eurobond issue, with a 10% percent coupon paid semi-annually. Citing a company press release, Bloomberg reported that the Eurobond placement will finance the development and construction of the company's existing project portfolio, acquisition of property in Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities, and restructuring of its existing debt. The issue will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. ING is sole lead manager and bookrunner.