The board of Ukrainian developer XXI Century Investments has announced that the company intends to apply to the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) to list its shares in the near future. XXI Century has a portfolio of assets under development including 28 projects, amounting to a Net Asset Value (NAV) of $520 mln (EUR 388 mln). The developer said that Net Asset growth in 2006 amounted to 6%. XXI Century's projects are mainly in the capital of Kyiv but are expanding to include other major cities throughout Ukraine.

The board of Ukrainian developer XXI Century Investments has announced that the company intends to apply to the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) to list its shares in the near future. XXI Century has a portfolio of assets under development including 28 projects, amounting to a Net Asset Value (NAV) of $520 mln (EUR 388 mln). The developer said that Net Asset growth in 2006 amounted to 6%. XXI Century's projects are mainly in the capital of Kyiv but are expanding to include other major cities throughout Ukraine.

The company said that the listing is aimed primarily at expanding the group's shareholder base and increasing liquidity in its shares. In December 2005 XXI Century Investments listed on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market and recently raised $175 mln via a three-year Eurobond issue, which was placed with investors in the Far East, Europe, Scandinavia and the UK.