WestInvest has bought a project development in Stuttgart for EUR 50 mln. The development, sold by Phoenix Real Estate Development, is expected to provide about 8,900 m[sup]2[/sup] of offices and 600 m[sup]2[/sup] of retail space. The project is earmarked for the open-ended real estate fund WestInvest ImmoValue. Completion of the complex is scheduled for spring 2009. About 86% of the lettable space has been pre-let, the company said in a statement.

WestInvest has bought a project development in Stuttgart for EUR 50 mln. The development, sold by Phoenix Real Estate Development, is expected to provide about 8,900 m2 of offices and 600 m2 of retail space. The project is earmarked for the open-ended real estate fund WestInvest ImmoValue. Completion of the complex is scheduled for spring 2009. About 86% of the lettable space has been pre-let, the company said in a statement.