Investing to improve, change or revive existing buildings is the aim of most of the 21 groups we’ve tracked raising funds over January.

Ardian office project, at Barmbek in Hamburg

Ardian Office Project, at Barmbek in Hamburg

This week, seven vehicles launched or raised capital: for repurposing offices; buying hotels with recovery potential; diversified core+ or value-add investing; or in the case of debt funds, backing these equity investors’ business plans.

In one example, Ardian said it has attracted almost 100 investors to its latest fund which buys ‘high-potential’ office buildings, raising €1.2 bn of equity.

Most of this last week’s deals for which pricing was confirmed were in the UK. They included sales of three large shopping centres and two big portfolios of student housing.

We also track the week’s financings and investors bringing assets to the market.

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