Belgium-headquartered VGP has announced it is making a charitable contribution of €3 mln to support refugees from Ukraine in Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

The Ukrainian flag flies above the city of Kharkov

The Ukrainian Flag Flies Above the City of Kharkov

In a statement, the firm said that it 'deplores the violation of international law and the aggression of the Russian regime against Ukraine', and added: 'We stand with the Ukrainian people of whom many are working on our construction sites and have their families and houses shelled.

'Our thoughts are with the innocent civilians who are suffering, and those individuals and families in neighbouring countries and around the world who have been impacted.'

More than one million people have already fled the country according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and that number is expected to climb into the millions as the situation continues to unfold.

VGP has a long-standing presence in Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, all three neighbouring countries of Ukraine. In light of the humanitarian crisis, the firm has pledged a €3 mln donation, comprising a €1 mln local philanthropic contribution to each of the three countries.

The firm added: 'Given how rapidly events are unfolding on the ground, our group will deploy the resources locally, in close cooperation with respective VGP country management, to select humanitarian relief organizations as recognized by UNHCR.

'As a group, VGP will continue to monitor the situation and support efforts to bring peace to the region.'