Steven Tattersall, European fund manager at Valad Property Group, has been appointed chairman of the Caisson Group. Tattersall will take up his new position this month with a focus on expanding Caisson's equity raising capacity.

Steven Tattersall, European fund manager at Valad Property Group, has been appointed chairman of the Caisson Group. Tattersall will take up his new position this month with a focus on expanding Caisson's equity raising capacity.

Tattersall: 'The opportunity to become involved in the strategic side of real estate investment management at this point of the property cycle is a very exciting challenge. Caisson has huge potential, both in terms of its founding partners and the sectors it is targeting. I see the next five years as being a perfect time to be developing a research-backed investment management group.'

Tattersall has 20 years of experience in agency, investment and development, including five years at Heron Sellar. He joined iO Group in 1995 working alongside John Sims, to create a specialist multi-let industrial asset management company which out-performed its peers. The iO Group was then subsequently floated on the main market as Property Fund Management, acquired by Teesland in 2005, and then by Valad Property Group in 2007. Tattersall was involved with the launch of all the iO Group’s UK and European multi-let industrial funds, representing over £2 bn of property assets.

Caisson Investment Management, which opened an office in Amsterdam earlier in the year, is working with Rockspring in sourcing, acquiring and managing multi-let industrial estates within the UK and has acquired two estates in the past quarter for that fund. It is also in the process of launching a £50-100 mln investment fund focused on the UK's self-storage property market.