Unibail-Rodamco is the best environmental performer among listed property stocks in Continental Europe, in third place after UK companies Big Yellow and Hammerson (UK-France). Funds managed by ING Real Estate Investment Management (ING REIM) perform strongly in the ranking for unlisted property owners.

Unibail-Rodamco is the best environmental performer among listed property stocks in Continental Europe, in third place after UK companies Big Yellow and Hammerson (UK-France). Funds managed by ING Real Estate Investment Management (ING REIM) perform strongly in the ranking for unlisted property owners.

The rankings are part of the 'Environmental Performance - A Global Perspective on Commercial Real Estate' report which has been published by three large European institutional investors - APG, PGGM, and the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), together with major real estate industry bodies such as EPRA and INREV.

The report is based on a global survey of 700 listed property companies and fund managers, and was carried out by the European Centre for Corporate Engagement at Maastricht University.

The research has resulted in a new environmental benchmark, the global 'Environmental Real Estate Index', which includes scores on environmental management practices and on the implementation of these practices.

By using information contained in the index, institutional investors can compare the environmental score of individual property investments with their environmental real estate targets. The authors say the intention is that this benchmarking will serve as a catalyst for environmental engagement in real estate investments.

UK-based firms dominate the ranking for European listed players. Aside from Big Yellow and Hammerson, the other UK listed firms ranked were British Land (4th), Great Portland Estates (6th), Land Securities (7th) Liberty International (8th) and Shaftesbury (9th).

Unibail-Rodamco is the highest placed listed firm that is active in Continental Europe but not in the UK. The other top 10 spots went to Swedish firms: Castellum (5th) and Hufvudstaden (10th).

UK-based firms also takes the top honours in the ranking for unlisted property funds. Capital & Regional's CRM Fund is ranked in first place, followed by two Prupim funds, M&G Property Portfolio and M&G Pooled Pensions Property Fund.

The next three places go to ING REIM for its Dutch Office Fund, RPFI fund and Real Estate Office Fund Netherlands.

Seventh place in the European fund ranking goes to Grosvenor for its Grosvenor Shopping Centre Fund, followed by Pramerica Real Estate's TMW Immobilien Weltfonds, Tishman Speyer - Europe and Andersson REIM's AREIM Fund 1.

The complete report 'Environmental Performance: A Global Perspective on Commercial Real Estate' can be downloaded from www.corporate-engagement.com or click on the link below