The Urban Land Institute (ULI) has appointed Marnix Galle, executive chairman of Belgian developer Immobel, as the new chairman of ULI Europe, starting in July.

Marnix Galle

Marnix Galle

Members of ULI Europe’s executive committee met this week in Amsterdam during its European conference to vote on Galle as successor to Juergen Fenk.

As with all ULI Europe chairs, he will serve for two years.

Galle served as chairman of ULI Belgium from 2015 to 2018 and is a ULI governing trustee.

ULI Europe held its European conference from Monday through Wednesday.

As part of the event, Wolfgang Egger, founder of Patrizia, was awarded the 2020 ULI European Leader Award. Rising star, Hala El Akl of PLP Architecture, was named ULI European Talent Award winner.

Jury chairman, François Trausch, who is CEO of Allianz Real Estate, bestowed the senior leader award on Egger at a celebratory dinner at St Olof’s, Amsterdam, on the opening night of the conference.

He said: ‘Wolfgang really exemplifies the values of leadership and vision. Many people in real estate are entrepreneurial but very few are able to move from an entrepreneurial idea or set up to a true organisation. Wolfgang has been able to achieve this thanks to his focus on the people at his company and talent management.’