The Tour Mozart project by French developer Bouygues Immobilier has won the 2007 Grand Prix Eco Building Performance award for high-rise buildings. The other entrants during the Eco Building Performance fair from 18 to 20 September 2007 in Paris were the Bank of America tower in New York, designed by Cook and Fox Architects; the Hearst Tower in New York by Foster and Partners; the High Rise Office Building in Qatar designed by Jean Nouvel; and the Tour Maroc Telecom in Rabat, designed by Jean-Paul Viguier.
The Tour Mozart project by French developer Bouygues Immobilier has won the 2007 Grand Prix Eco Building Performance award for high-rise buildings. The other entrants during the Eco Building Performance fair from 18 to 20 September 2007 in Paris were the Bank of America tower in New York, designed by Cook and Fox Architects; the Hearst Tower in New York by Foster and Partners; the High Rise Office Building in Qatar designed by Jean Nouvel; and the Tour Maroc Telecom in Rabat, designed by Jean-Paul Viguier.
Located in the Seine Ouest business district in Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris, Tour Mozart, designed by American architect firm Arquitectonica, will provide 45,000 m2 of office space over 26 floors when completed in 2010. Docks Lyonnais acquired the tower last April.