UK supermarket operator Tesco said yesterday it will retain the bulk of its property holdings, while still raising a targeted £ 5 bn (EUR 7.4 bn) from the sale of property assets. Tesco ceo Terry Leahy told Reuters that Tesco would always own most of its space. 'Tesco has a lot of property, but it is important to remember property ownership is an integral part of retailing and Tesco will always have a majority of its space as owned space,' he told Reuters in an interview at the World Retail Congress in Barcelona. Tesco is one of Europe’s largest property owners, with property holdings worth an estimated £ 20 bn in 13 countries.

UK supermarket operator Tesco said yesterday it will retain the bulk of its property holdings, while still raising a targeted £ 5 bn (EUR 7.4 bn) from the sale of property assets. Tesco ceo Terry Leahy told Reuters that Tesco would always own most of its space. 'Tesco has a lot of property, but it is important to remember property ownership is an integral part of retailing and Tesco will always have a majority of its space as owned space,' he told Reuters in an interview at the World Retail Congress in Barcelona. Tesco is one of Europe’s largest property owners, with property holdings worth an estimated £ 20 bn in 13 countries.