PropertyEU has published a list of top young talent in the European real estate industry, destined to leave their mark on the sector in the years to come.

The long-anticipated list mirrors similar rankings by trade magazines covering other financial asset classes such as hedge funds and private equity.

In March 2020, PropertyEU invited nominations from the European real estate market and the 10 Rising Stars are featured in the June 2020 edition.

Subscribers can read the full version complete with biographies of the 10 here.

Candidates qualifying for ‘Rising Star’ status are those under 35 years of age at the time of nomination who are said to display exceptional talent and performance in a certain area of the business, or who stand out for their innovation, leadership, rapid ascent and/or communication skills and industry participation.

Robin Marriott, editor-in-chief, said: 'There is so much talent in real estate. The industry appeals to high-calibre people with financial skills and knowledge, but also to those that appreciate the tangible aspect to this asset class in that everybody ultimately uses real estate to live, work or play. They also find that property is a social industry.'

The cohort of under 35s began careers in real estate in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and have operated during a long period of demand from institutional investors. In more recent years, they have worked within strategies that play into new demand/supply structural trends, and disruptive technologies. Now they are working in a full-blown crisis.

As is stated in the feature, many more nominations were received than could be covered. PropertyEU hopes to report on more stars to watch next year.

In alphabetical order, the 10 Rising Stars of European Real Estate are:

1. Patricia Bandeira Vieira: Director Capital Markets, Hines, Age 30 | Nationality dual Belgian/Portuguese

2. Ivan Curilla: Senior Vice President, GIC Private, Age 35* | Nationality Slovakian 

3. Adina David: Director of Flexible Housing, Greystar, Age 34 | Nationality Romanian 

4. Wiktor Lesinski: Vice President, Patron Capital, Age 30** | Nationality dual Polish/British 

5. Cheryl Maher: Real Estate Investment, CPP Investment Board, Age 32 | Nationality Irish 

6. Felipe Morenés: Co-founder, Stoneshield Capital, Age 34 | Nationality Spanish 

7. Paul Nearchou: Investment Director, Deutsche Finance International, Age 32 | Nationality Cypriot 

8. Charlotte Robinson: Investment Team, Alternative Assets, Shell, Age 28 | Nationality English 

9. Arnie Sriskandarajah: MD, Round Hill Ventures, Age 32 | Nationality English 

10. Michael Swank: MD, Blackstone, Age 32 | Nationality American 

PropertyEU would like to thank all those who took time out to make nominations. We look forward to tracking the careers of the 10 stars and to identifying more in future editions.

*35 at the time of nomination 
**Turns 31 in June