Swedish real estate investor Regio has bought out regional peer Ekblads, paying SEK 2.13 bn (€203 mln) for its portfolio of seven office and commercial properties in the city of Jönköping, Sweden's 10th largest urban area.



'Ekblads Fastigheter has been a key player in the development of central Jönköping over the last 20 years and Regio looks forward to continuing this journey,' said Eric Bergström, CEO of Regio and partner at Brunswick Real Estate.

The properties acquired include Almen 6, Andelen 3, Ansvaret 2, Apeln 44, Apoteket 6, Asken 2 and Astern 11, all with a downtown location.

The portfolio comprises around 70,000 m2 of office and retail space with residential, gym and hotel elements.

According to Regio, the deal continues the firm's expansion plans in Sweden's fastest growing provincial cities. Regio, which is majority owned by the Third National Swedish Pension Fund and managed by Brunswick Real Estate, has invsested around SEK 7 bn in commercial property since its inception in 2015.

Regio's local asset management partner P&E will manage the assets.

Kilpatrick Townsend, PropCon and PwC advised Regio.