Portuguese property firm Sonae Sierra on Thursday announced the start of its EUR 102 mln shopping centre project, Gli Orsi, in the Italian city of Biella. The 40,700 m[sup]2[/sup] project will offer space to 100 shops, plus 19 restaurants and coffee shops, and will be open for business in the autumn of 2008.

Portuguese property firm Sonae Sierra on Thursday announced the start of its EUR 102 mln shopping centre project, Gli Orsi, in the Italian city of Biella. The 40,700 m2 project will offer space to 100 shops, plus 19 restaurants and coffee shops, and will be open for business in the autumn of 2008.

The Gli Orsi shopping centre is part of a larger project, with a total of 260,000 m2 devoted to leisure, including a 5,000-seat indoor basketball stadium. The new shopping centre will include a 13,700 Ipercoop hypermarket, while key tenants will include Conbipel, Euronics, Banca Sella and Upim. The project will also include parking facilities for 3,300 cars.