Skanska Property Czech Republic is undertaking a new green office project in Prague to be named City Green Court. The seven-storey, 15,000-m[sup]2[/sup] office will be located in the Pankrac business district in Prague 4, which is accessible by car as well as a range of public transport. Project commencement is scheduled for the end of 2010 and the first tenants are expected to move in during H1 2012.
Skanska Property Czech Republic is undertaking a new green office project in Prague to be named City Green Court. The seven-storey, 15,000-m2 office will be located in the Pankrac business district in Prague 4, which is accessible by car as well as a range of public transport. Project commencement is scheduled for the end of 2010 and the first tenants are expected to move in during H1 2012.
City Green Court was designed by American architectural studio Richard Meier & Partners in cooperation with Prague-based architects Cuboid Architekti. Particular attention is being paid to the project's sustainability. Skanska is aiming to achieve a LEED Gold qualification. With no new offices being delivered on the Prague market in H1 2010 City Green Court represents one of the initial steps toward a return to development.
'City Green Court reflects our company’s focus on the aspects of efficiency, flexibility and sustainability. The building will be LEED-certified since we want to offer our customers an independent measure,' said Britta Cesar, managing director of Skanska Property Czech Republic. ‘The fact that we are commencing a new investment in spite of the economic recession demonstrates that Skanska is a stable developer with a strong capital base and that we trust in the Czech office market.'
Global proeprty advisor DTZ advised Skanska on the recent acquisition of City Court development project from ECM.