Swedish construction and property company Skanska is selling the Nepliget Center office project in Budapest for EUR 72.2 mln to an unnamed international real estate fund. The project comprises a total of 26,000 m[sup]2[/sup] and will be built in three phases, with final completion due in 2009.

Swedish construction and property company Skanska is selling the Nepliget Center office project in Budapest for EUR 72.2 mln to an unnamed international real estate fund. The project comprises a total of 26,000 m2 and will be built in three phases, with final completion due in 2009.

In accordance with Skanska policy, the capital gain on the project was not disclosed. The development gain will be reported on a quarterly basis in line with the phased construction of the project.

Skanska Commercial Development Europe initiates and develops office and logistics property projects in metropolitan areas in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.