Dusseldorf-based property firm Signa has acquired the Ikaros business centre in the Neudorf district of the city of Luxembourg for EUR 164 mln. The business park provides some 30,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of space, German newspaper Immobilien Zeitung reported. The premises, which are leased to Deloitte and the Nordea bank, will be incorporated in a closed-end real estate fund. The seller has not been disclosed.

Dusseldorf-based property firm Signa has acquired the Ikaros business centre in the Neudorf district of the city of Luxembourg for EUR 164 mln. The business park provides some 30,000 m2 of space, German newspaper Immobilien Zeitung reported. The premises, which are leased to Deloitte and the Nordea bank, will be incorporated in a closed-end real estate fund. The seller has not been disclosed.