Shopping centres across Europe and the Middle East need to do more to close the gap between the aspirational shopping experience and current food and beverage offers, according to a research report by CBRE.

Shopping centres across Europe and the Middle East need to do more to close the gap between the aspirational shopping experience and current food and beverage offers, according to a research report by CBRE.

In its recent Food and Beverage report, CBRE noted that while 67% of visitors to shopping centres had something to eat in the last 12 months, only 7% rated their last F&B visit as excellent.

The report also highlighted the requirement for better food and beverage quality. 45% of visitors want to see more healthy or organic food, with 43% looking for innovative offerings. Across the 22 markets across EMEA, there is a desire and willingness for new independent and pop-up/new concept restaurants (34%) and coffee shops (33%).

'Customers are becoming more discerning and are raising the bar in terms of expectations,' said Andrew Phipps, head of Retail Research and Consulting, CBRE EMEA.

'They are becoming more engaged by quality and their expectations in terms of a well-rounded shopping centre ‘experience’ is getting higher and higher. Customers are looking for the full retail experience where luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton sit comfortably alongside Gordon Ramsey. Currently there is a lack of parity and the growth of aspirational retail is not translating into the food and beverage offer in shopping centres.'