Societe Fonciere Lyonnaise (SFL) and IDF have sold a property at Avenue Kleber, in the XVI arrondissement of Paris, for EUR 41 mln. The building, acquired by UK firm Pembroke, provides some 3,400 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space leased mostly to Givaudan France, a leading company in the flavours and fragrance industry. The two sellers have been advised by CBRE. Horizon Investment Management acted for the buyer.
Societe Fonciere Lyonnaise (SFL) and IDF have sold a property at Avenue Kleber, in the XVI arrondissement of Paris, for EUR 41 mln. The building, acquired by UK firm Pembroke, provides some 3,400 m2 of office space leased mostly to Givaudan France, a leading company in the flavours and fragrance industry. The two sellers have been advised by CBRE. Horizon Investment Management acted for the buyer.
Societe Fonciere Lyonnaise owns a portfolio of EUR 3.8 bn focused on the central business district of Paris.