London and Paris-listed real estate company Segro announced on Monday that Inès Reinmann, managing director of Continental Europe, has resigned from the board with immediate effect. Reinmann was appointed as an executive director on 1 November 2008 having joined Segro in October 2007. She was responsible for the Continental Europe property portfolio.

London and Paris-listed real estate company Segro announced on Monday that Inès Reinmann, managing director of Continental Europe, has resigned from the board with immediate effect. Reinmann was appointed as an executive director on 1 November 2008 having joined Segro in October 2007. She was responsible for the Continental Europe property portfolio.

Ian Coull, CEO of Segro, will take direct responsibility for Continental Europe, in the short term, until a permanent replacement is appointed. In the meantime, Andrew Gulliford, Segro's Business Development Director, will support Coull in running the Continental European operations.

Coull said: 'We wish Inès every success in her future career. Our strategy for the business is unchanged and we continue to seek out opportunities to capitalise on the current economic environment both in the UK and Continental Europe. Current trading and market conditions are in line with our expectations at the time of our Interim Management Statement issued on 5 November 2009.'