SEB Asset Management has bought an office portfolio in the Netherlands for EUR 125 mln. The portfolio provides some 40,400 m[sup]2[/sup] of space and was acquired from Eurocommerce in an off-market transaction on behalf of the fund SEB Immoinvest.

SEB Asset Management has bought an office portfolio in the Netherlands for EUR 125 mln. The portfolio provides some 40,400 m2 of space and was acquired from Eurocommerce in an off-market transaction on behalf of the fund SEB Immoinvest.

The portfolio includes six high-quality and wholly-let assets in Breda, Deventer (two properties) and Zwolle (three properties). The assets are let to a total of 23 tenants, including GE Bank Artesia, Capital Finance and the Dutch justice department. The average remaining lease on the assets is 8.5 years. Three of the offices have already been transferred to the SEB fund, while another three will be transferred when completed in spring 2008.

SEB ImmoInvest is active across 14 countries. About 8% of its portfolio is located in the Netherlands.