UK-based property management company Schroder is acquiring a 65,000 m[sup]2[/sup] logistics centre in Fiumicino, near Rome's international airport. The complex is part of a 400,000 m[sup]2[/sup] logistics park being developed by the Interporto di Fiumicino company. The investment value comes to EUR 50 mln, with an initial yield of about 6.85%. The property is earmarked for Schroder's Eurologistic Fund No. 1.

UK-based property management company Schroder is acquiring a 65,000 m2 logistics centre in Fiumicino, near Rome's international airport. The complex is part of a 400,000 m2 logistics park being developed by the Interporto di Fiumicino company. The investment value comes to EUR 50 mln, with an initial yield of about 6.85%. The property is earmarked for Schroder's Eurologistic Fund No. 1.