Romania has all the right ingredients to entice investors with an appetite for real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, a new report co-authored by JLL claims.
Romania has all the right ingredients to entice investors with an appetite for real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, a new report co-authored by JLL claims.
The paper supports a recent analysis by PropertyEU Research of Romanian investment transaction data in the first half of 2014. In the largest deal in Romania, Globalworth closed the acquisition of the BOB & BOC office complex in Bucharest, plus 446 residential and 25 retail units in the Underground Towers scheme, for a total €210 mln. BOB and BOC were acquired for €42 mln and €110 mln respectively. Globalworth also purchased the Tower Center International (TCI) office complex for €58 mln. TCI comprises 24,700 m2 over 26 floors above ground and is the second-tallest building in Bucharest.
The latest Romanian report was compiled by JLL with contributions from EY and Unicredit Tiriac Bank. It offers an updated overview of the country's key macroeconomics, investment opportunities, real estate market trends and is intended as a tool for international companies and investors considering placing investments in Romania. The report also examines the main factors which the authors say set the country apart from its regional peers.
The JLL report can be accessed at the following link Romania back in the spotlight