Redevco Switzerland has reopened two units at Shoppi Tivoli in Switrzerland. Switzerland's largest shopping centre is located in Spreitenbach (Aargau) and offers 78,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of retail area spread over more than 150 stores and has around 4,300 m[sup]2[/sup] of parking. Shoppi Tivoli SC is the largest shopping centre in Switzerland.
Redevco Switzerland has reopened two units at Shoppi Tivoli in Switrzerland. Switzerland's largest shopping centre is located in Spreitenbach (Aargau) and offers 78,000 m2 of retail area spread over more than 150 stores and has around 4,300 m2 of parking. Shoppi Tivoli SC is the largest shopping centre in Switzerland.
The redevelopment has taken 10 years in all, from planning to completion. Over this period, Redevco, co-owner of Switzerland’s largest shopping centre, invested more than EUR 8.7 mln in the makeover project. The centre consists of Shoppi and Centermall, both owned by Credit Suisse Fund, and Tivoli which is majority owed by Condominium. Redevco's share is 6.5%.
The selling area of the Redevco unit has been completely redeveloped and extended by more than 700 m2. The unit now offers approximately 4,700 m2 and is fully let to fashion retailer C&A and shoe seller Dosenbach-Ochsner. The Dosenbach-Ochsner store consists of 370 m2 and is leased on a 7-year agreement. The C&A store provides 4,360 m2 of retail space on a 10-year lease agreement. This new store marks the opening of C&A's largest store in Switzerland.