Real I.S. has announced the launch of a Green Office Fund for institutional investors which aims to build up a portfolio worth some EUR 400 mln.

Real I.S. has announced the launch of a Green Office Fund for institutional investors which aims to build up a portfolio worth some EUR 400 mln.

The vehicle will invest exclusively in LEED-, BREEAM- or DGNB-certified buildings in Western Europe with a lot size between EUR 40 and 60 mln. The total investment volume is expected to amount to around EUR 400 mln, including 50% of debt.

The fund aims to distribute an annual 5% over its entire investment horizon of 10 to 12 years.

Real I.S. is the latest German fund manager to launch a green property fund. In the past months Hesse Newman, KGAL and IVG have also set up new investment vehicles for environmentally sustainable assets.