UK property investment and development company Quintain Estates and Development has signed a new £150 mln (EUR 215 mln) corporate banking facility with Bank of Scotland Corporate to fund investments in urban regeneration projects and to strengthen its financial flexibility to exploit opportunities 'arising from current market conditions,' according to a statement the company issued on Friday.
UK property investment and development company Quintain Estates and Development has signed a new £150 mln (EUR 215 mln) corporate banking facility with Bank of Scotland Corporate to fund investments in urban regeneration projects and to strengthen its financial flexibility to exploit opportunities 'arising from current market conditions,' according to a statement the company issued on Friday.
The loan is a revolving facility with a two-year maturity. Quintain said all other terms and conditions are in line with its existing corporate loans. Quintain's existing corporate facilities have a floating charge, a 0.95% margin and commitment fees of 0.375%.