Protego, the UK and Continental European real estate investment management company, has changed its name to Cornerstone. The move follows the completion of the acquisition of Protego by Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), in January this year.

Protego, the UK and Continental European real estate investment management company, has changed its name to Cornerstone. The move follows the completion of the acquisition of Protego by Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), in January this year.

Cornerstone manages about $31 bn (EUR 25 bn) of real estate assets in the UK, Continental Europe as well as the US following the acquisition of Protego and the merging of the real estate finance group of Babson Capital into the Cornerstone Group, which like Cornerstone, is a member of MassMututal.