The changes and challenges to the real estate sector brought about by technology were the focus of an hour-long panel discussion hosted by PropertyEU at the Netherlands' biggest property show, Provada, last week.

Panellists on PropertyEU''s Provada proptech discussion

Panellists on Propertyeu''s Provada Proptech Discussion

Delegates from real estate companies, venture capital firms and emerging technologies specialists came together to analyse how the industry should embrace new developments from data analytics to smart buildings.

'I really enjoyed the lively discussion that we had on the panel among four very different parties, seeing where our similarities and our differences came across,' said Kingma Ma, VC investor of Round Hill Ventures, one of the four members on the panel.

Watch a summary of the panel discussion on YouTube

Robbert Heekelaar, VP of IT architecture and emerging technologies at Prologis, said: 'It was a great panel discussion with a lot of interesting participants from a broad spectrum: the real estate sector, software and venture capital, which made it very interesting to share our thoughts within the group.'

The panelists examined how real estate companies could seize the advantage by quickly adopting or developing technology, as well as how companies such as Prologis have set up their own laboratories to develop and incubate in-house solutions.

Provada is the biggest annual real estate exhibition in the Netherlands, attracting more than 25,000 visitors and 270 exhibitors, from start-up firms to big players such as CBRE Global Investors and Bouwinvest.

A full report on the panel discussion will be published in the next issue of PropertyEU magazine.