As the exclusive media partner of Expo Real, PropertyEU is reporting live from the annual commercial property fair in Munich. We are producing Expo Real Daily News, a 32-page English-language magazine for international visitors, which will be distributed at the fair ground, on buses and in leading hotels in the city from 8-10 October. A digital version of the Daily News will be available every day at the Expo Real Live page and via the homepage of
As the exclusive media partner of Expo Real, PropertyEU is reporting live from the annual commercial property fair in Munich. We are producing Expo Real Daily News, a 32-page English-language magazine for international visitors, which will be distributed at the fair ground, on buses and in leading hotels in the city from 8-10 October. A digital version of the Daily News will be available every day at the Expo Real Live page and via the homepage of
The PropertyTV film crew will be recording interviews with exhibitors, conference speakers and visitors at Expo Real. Regular PropertyTV updates will broadcast on screens located throughout the trade fair and on the Expo Real Live page of PropertyEU's website. The interviewee panel for Monday include Claudia Boymans, Exposition director of Expo Real; Menno Mass of ING Real Estate; Jean Francois Ott of Orco and Joe Valente of DTZ.
PropertyEU is also presenting a daily news show, with special guests, for fair visitors in the Media Lounge, Hall C2 everyday at noon.
Click on the link to go to the Expo Real Live page.