A major conference in Madrid later this month will examine the best practices of the main European real estate investment trusts (REITs) and the role such listed, tax-transparent property companies should play in Spain and Portugal.

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Property experts gather in Madrid to discuss future of Iberian REITs

The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) and the Iberian Property platform are co-organisers of the inaugural Iberian REIT Conference at the Villa Magna Hotel in the Spanish capital on 22 March.

The organisers say the Iberian REIT Conference will present a fundamental debate directed towards the national and international investment community. 

The event will highlight the general benefits of listed property companies. It will also showcase REITs and SOCIMIs, the Spanish version of the tax-transparent regime, as strategic long-term partners for the large Iberian cities and main actors to execute major urban developments. 

Who's speaking?
Speakers at the event include Miguel Ferre, Senior Advisor of EY and one of the fathers of the current Spanish SOCIMI legislation; Cristina García-Peri, general director of Hispania; Carmina Ganyet, general corporate director of Colonial; Ismael Clemente, CEO of Merlin Properties; José Luis del Valle, president of Lar España.

Participants will analyse the role that these companies can play in the development of the Castellana Norte District Project, as well as shed light on international examples of city redevelopments by REITs in Europe.

The programme will also feature the insights of Benôit Dohin, representing Unibail-Rodamco, the largest REIT in Europe, as well as the opinions of several analysts and institutional investors.

'These meetings are part of the association's policy to promote our relationship with local partners and to facilitate the access of institutional investors, family offices and insurance companies to the benefits offered by investing in European listed real estate,' said Dominique Moerenhout, CEO of EPRA.

Spanish model
The Iberian REIT Conference will study how the Spanish real estate market has evolved in recent years, and what role SOCIMIs have played in capturing foreign capital.

Speakers will seek to analyse what effect a REIT regime could have on the Portuguese real estate market. Discussing the successes and lessons of Spanish regulation, the conference organisers say, will contribute to the successful development and implementation of REIT regulations in the neighbouring countries.

António Gil Machado, director of Iberian Property: 'SOCIMIs are a success story in Spain, although they are taking their first steps in comparison with the consolidated reality of REITs in Europe and the US. In the main economies of the world, REITs are a long-term investment alternative, with the guarantee of professional management in a preferential asset for all investors.'