Prologis European Properties has signed five new lease agreements in Central Europe, covering a total of 68,800 m[sup]2[/sup]. Three lease agreements were signed in Poland, the first with Viva Manufacturing Poland, a subsidiary of the Viva Group, for 24,400 m[sup]2[/sup] at Prologis Park Teresin. The new five-year lease renewal will run until June 2015. Viva has occupied the building since its completion in June 2005 and is using the facility for light manufacturing.
Prologis European Properties has signed five new lease agreements in Central Europe, covering a total of 68,800 m2. Three lease agreements were signed in Poland, the first with Viva Manufacturing Poland, a subsidiary of the Viva Group, for 24,400 m2 at Prologis Park Teresin. The new five-year lease renewal will run until June 2015. Viva has occupied the building since its completion in June 2005 and is using the facility for light manufacturing.
The second lease agreement in Poland for 13,400 m2 at Prologis Park Poznan II was signed with IBP Conex, a European leader in the manufacture of connectors for gas, sanitary and heating systems. The 10-year lease, with a break at the end of the fifth year, runs from February 2010 until January 2020.
The third Polish agreement was a new letting of 7,800 m2 of previously vacant space at Prologis Park Poznan to Wincanton, a third-party logistics provider. The three-year lease runs from March 2010 until the end of February 2013.
Two lease agreements were also concluded for a total of 23,200 m2 of distribution space at Prologis Park Prague in the Czech Republic. The first for 13,400 m2 was signed with Teleplan, an electronics service company, for an additional two years, at similar rental levels, extending their current lease to July 2013. The previous lease, which ran from August 2007 was due to expire in July 2011.
The second agreement, a new lease covering 9,800 m2 of previously vacant space, was signed with ESA Logistics, a subsidiary of Hitachi Transport Systems and one of the leading logistics companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This lease will run until July 2015.