Ryszard Krauze, owner of Polish software company Prokom, said his real estate development arm will scale up its investments in Russia to $ 500 mln (EUR 362 mln) this year if two major projects in Moscow come through.
Ryszard Krauze, owner of Polish software company Prokom, said his real estate development arm will scale up its investments in Russia to $ 500 mln (EUR 362 mln) this year if two major projects in Moscow come through.
In an interview with Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza, Krauze said: 'Russia is facing a huge construction boom. In Moscow you can just see it, and it is also starting to happen in other cities. For several months now Russians have been able to take mortgages in simplified procedures and the pace at which society is getting richer is so fast that it will spark residential property demand even without loans.'
Krauze owns listed developer Polnord and his Prokom Investments umbrella company has holdings in the construction and development sectors.