Landlords Pramerica Real Estate Investors and a unit of Austrian group Warimpex have signed a construction contract with Dyskret for the refurbishment of the highest office building in Krakow, Poland.
Landlords Pramerica Real Estate Investors and a unit of Austrian group Warimpex have signed a construction contract with Dyskret for the refurbishment of the highest office building in Krakow, Poland.
As part of the plan, the 76-metre high building will change its name to K1 and will be completely redeveloped, with construction work expected to start in April and due for completion in October 2014. The asset provides a total of 12,800 m2 of space.
'The building will be significantly upgraded as modern technical solutions will be implemented. Flexible tenant arrangements will also be introduced,' commented Claudia Austen, head of Asset Management CEE at Pramerica Real Estate Investors.
International advisory company JLL is responsible for the marketing of the building.