Italy's Polis Fondi has bought four logistics buildings in Italy from Cogefin. The acquisition price of EUR 20 mln reflects a net yield of 7.25%. The properties are located in Trezzano sul Naviglio near Milan, Crespellano near Bologna, Santa Maria di Sala near Verona and Sassari in Sardinia. The assets, providing some 25,500 m[sup]2[/sup] of logistics space, have been leased back to Cogefin.
Italy's Polis Fondi has bought four logistics buildings in Italy from Cogefin. The acquisition price of EUR 20 mln reflects a net yield of 7.25%. The properties are located in Trezzano sul Naviglio near Milan, Crespellano near Bologna, Santa Maria di Sala near Verona and Sassari in Sardinia. The assets, providing some 25,500 m2 of logistics space, have been leased back to Cogefin.