Italy's Pirelli Real Estate is launching an eco-sustainable real estate development programme. The Ecobuilding project will involve the development of residential and commercial buildings that will focus on four core standards; efficient energy, not only for winter heating but also for summer cooling; the use of eco-compatible materials; the use of renewable resources and comfortable living.
Italy's Pirelli Real Estate is launching an eco-sustainable real estate development programme. The Ecobuilding project will involve the development of residential and commercial buildings that will focus on four core standards; efficient energy, not only for winter heating but also for summer cooling; the use of eco-compatible materials; the use of renewable resources and comfortable living.
The first Pirelli RE development under the Ecobuilding programme will be the 16,000 m2 Giardini Viscontea in Cusago near Milan. Here thirteen buildings, for a total of 200 apartments, will be constructed using rainwater as a source of energy for both the heating and cooling systems.
The programme will also be implemented in the office sector as part of the expansion of the new Bicocca headquarters in Milan (Headquarter 2) which will be the first Class A certified, energy-efficient office building. The energy consumed for winter heating will be about 30% below the volumes indicated in the new Law 192, effective as from 1 January 2010. ISBE Italia is also verifying whether or not the building is certifiable as per the American institution Green Building Council protocols. This would be the first office building in Italy to be certified in accordance with these standards.