A number of well-known parties are rumoured to have submitted bids for the mandate to sell the Bank of Italy's EUR 330 mln worth of assets. Bidders include Pirelli RE, Mediobanca, Intesa Sanpaolo and Ernst & Young, according to sources.

A number of well-known parties are rumoured to have submitted bids for the mandate to sell the Bank of Italy's EUR 330 mln worth of assets. Bidders include Pirelli RE, Mediobanca, Intesa Sanpaolo and Ernst & Young, according to sources.

The Bank of Italy said last month that it was holding a tender process to appoint the adviser to manage the sale of of its real estate portfolio, which comprises over 235,000 m2 of space including the Salone Margherita theatre and conference centre in central Rome and 39 bank branches. The bidding process for the sale mandate runs until June 22.