The municipality of Pescara in central Italy is to get a major mixed-use complex located on a 10-hectare site to house the headquarter of Italy's Abruzzo Region administrative office. The development, involving an investment of about EUR 50 mln, will include three 48-metre towers, providing some 20,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space, a restaurant, a commercial area as well 30 residential units and 5,840 parking spaces. The project has been submitted to the city council's department for urban development, and construction should start by the coming 12 months.
The municipality of Pescara in central Italy is to get a major mixed-use complex located on a 10-hectare site to house the headquarter of Italy's Abruzzo Region administrative office. The development, involving an investment of about EUR 50 mln, will include three 48-metre towers, providing some 20,000 m2 of office space, a restaurant, a commercial area as well 30 residential units and 5,840 parking spaces. The project has been submitted to the city council's department for urban development, and construction should start by the coming 12 months.
Town councillor Tommaso Di Biase said the project, after getting approval by the city council, will be handed to Abruzzo Region's authority, which will take over the execution of the scheme. 'An internationally-known developer will be chosen to develop the area, to guarantee a high-quality result', Di Biase said.