Prologis European Properties (PEPR), one of Europe's largest owners of distribution facilities, said the total open market value of its like-for-like portfolio decreased by 13.4% in 2009, with continental European countries recording valuation declines of between 12.3% and 18.9% compared with 2008. The UK showed signs of improvement, falling 5.2% on the year after having recovered 5.5% in the second half.
Prologis European Properties (PEPR), one of Europe's largest owners of distribution facilities, said the total open market value of its like-for-like portfolio decreased by 13.4% in 2009, with continental European countries recording valuation declines of between 12.3% and 18.9% compared with 2008. The UK showed signs of improvement, falling 5.2% on the year after having recovered 5.5% in the second half.
In the second half of 2009, continental European assets recorded negative valuation movements of 6.2% to EUR 2.3 bn from EUR 2.5 bn. Property values in Central Europe fell furthest, down 7.5% in the three months to end-September 2009 and a further 2.3% to end-December 2009, driven by a reduction in estimated rental values as well as a continued upwards yield shift of around 40 basis points.
The Northern and Southern European portfolios suffered similar valuation decreases over the second half of 2009, declining 3.3% and 4.7% respectively in the quarter ended 30 September 2009 and a further decline of 2.0% and 1.2% by the end of the year. The key drivers for this were falling rental values in Southern Europe and a further repricing of shorter dated income across the portfolio.
The UK witnessed a sharp correction in values in the second half of the year, remaining roughly flat at £415.7 mln (EUR 471.6 mln) in the three months to 30 September 2009 and increasing 5.5% to £439.2 mln by the end of 2009, driven by improving market sentiment and strong demand from institutions, UK retail funds and overseas investors.
See also story on PEPR's 2009 earnings