UK-based property and transport company Peel has unveiled plans for a £5.5 bn regeneration plan in Liverpool, north-west England. The development will comprise almost two million m[sup]2[/sup] and include the creation of over 50 mixed-use buildings, many of which will have more than 50 storeys. The buildings will be self-sufficient in terms of energy, generating power through wind turbines. The plan will also feature 23,000 new homes, four hotels and involve the conversion of the Jesse Hartley historic clock tower at Salisbury Dock into two skyscrapers.

UK-based property and transport company Peel has unveiled plans for a £5.5 bn regeneration plan in Liverpool, north-west England. The development will comprise almost two million m2 and include the creation of over 50 mixed-use buildings, many of which will have more than 50 storeys. The buildings will be self-sufficient in terms of energy, generating power through wind turbines. The plan will also feature 23,000 new homes, four hotels and involve the conversion of the Jesse Hartley historic clock tower at Salisbury Dock into two skyscrapers.

'The visionary scheme will see Liverpool become one side of the ocean gateway to the North West, an international waterside destination to rival cities such as Dubai, Vancouver, New York and Shanghai,' Peel said in a press release. An outline planning application will be submitted within the next 12 months.